2009年3月30日 星期一
2009年3月28日 星期六
“i-closet” is a proposal that utilizes social-networking platform methodology that provides users the ease to share and interact with people on what they have inside of their closet… virtually.
With the booming of online purchase, such as Ebay, and social-networking website like Facebook, people tend to feel the ease of being at home, running chores just right in front of their computer, without having to leave their doorstep. Nonetheless, it’s also part of the human-nature that people craves to belong to the society, part of the herd, wanting to be noticed and adored, constantly expressing how they carry themselves, showing their personal style and attitude, through what they change most on daily basis clothing.
i-Closet is a fabulous application, both available on the website and iPhone.
It allows you photograph and share your favorite fashion items with friends.
Let your pals know what you have and what you are wearing, inviting your groups to offer their thoughts and suggestions.
Application Features:
- Manage your wardrobe by custom categories
(also Tag each item with a custom label and use the Search tool to quickly browse through your images to find the perfect matching.) - Create outfits and decide what to wear anywhere/anytime
- An Archive that would records outfits you wore on a built-in calendar
(So that you’ll prevent from wearing same outfits too often.) - Get suggestions from i-closet’s shuffle that fits a particular type of occasion according to your own event calendar
- Share stylist ideas with your groups via sending over email or MMS
(Pretty much same thing as twitter, you may have your own followers) - Access other’s i-closet and check it out their fashion diary
- Bounce your outfit off your friends
- Having trouble deciding whether buy it or not? Sending out your wishlist and getting advices from your groups.
- Borrow or steal: providing exchange platform to let users trade their items
Eco-consciousness is also part of the idea on “My closet”, providing virtual exchange-market to let users trade their clothes with each other. As the saying goes, “Someone's trash may be someone's treasure”
I like to propose this as I believe that it’ll not only captures people’s interest, especially on younger generations or hippies, but also promotes fashionable sense to the people. This never-been-used before idea definately snowball to something greater.
2009年3月9日 星期一
2009年3月1日 星期日
Idea research of E-Closet

1. Polyvore.com
Share your style with friends or browse thousands of looks by color, brand or item.

2. style-arena
Street snaps from tokyo.
Membership required.
You can also browse by styles.

3. Dress up game
Match outfits with real items for celebrities.

3. i tunes
Match outfits with real items for celebrities.
2009年2月16日 星期一
My Closet
“My closet” is a proposal that utilizes social-networking platform methodology that provides users the ease to share and interact with people on what they have inside of their closet… virtually.
With the boom of online purchase, such as Ebay, and social-networking website such as Facebook, people tend to feel the ease of being at home, running chores just right in front of their computer, without having to leave their doorstep. Nonetheless, it’s also part of the human-nature that people craves to belong to the society, part of the herd, wanting to be noticed and adored, constantly expressing how they carry themselves, showing their personal style and attitude, through what they change most on daily basis à clothing.
Eco-consciousness is also part of the idea on “My closet”, providing virtual exchange-market to let users trade their clothes with each other. As the saying goes, “Someone's trash may be someone's treasure”
I like to propose this as I believe that it’ll not only captures people’s interest, especially on younger generations or hippies, but also promotes fashionable sense to the people. This never-been-used before idea definately snowball to something greater.
Project Schedule:
February: Site map, sketches
March: Visualization
April: Project completed and presentation presented
Site Map
Basic Info: Sex/ Birthday/ Height/ Weight/ Size/ Location
Personal Info: Interesrt/ Favorite Style/ Favorite Movie/ Favorite Style
Contact Info: Email/ Website - My CLOSET
Treasures:- Dresses/ Tops/ Knitwear/ Jackets n Coats
- Jeans/ Trousures n Shorts/ Skirts/ Leggings
- Shoes/ Accesories/ Bags n Purses/ Jewelry
Custom Lables:- New In
- Most Favorite
- Top Rated
- Top 5 most Dressed
- Tag
- Shuffle
- Astrology e.g. lucky color of today
- By Occasions
- Events Diary
Dressing Room:- Today
- Past week
- Archives
- Style Notes - note by self.
- My sexy friends
- My groups - by trends
- My Favorite closets
- Borrow or Steal - Trading Market
- News feed
- Closet of the day/ week/ month
- Fashionista
- P0st-A- Note
- Profile/ Security/ Networks/ Notifications
- Profile/ Security/ Networks/ Notifications