2008年9月29日 星期一

Examine Blogosphere with tetrad

The tetrad allowed McLuhan to apply four laws, framed as questions, to a wide spectrum of mankind's endeavors, and thereby give us a new tool for looking at our culture. That is to say, the tetrad is a means of examining the effects on society of any technology (i.e., blogosphere) by dividing its effects into four categories and displaying them simultaneously.

  • What does it enhance?
    What does blogosphere extend?

    In the case of bloggers, it has spread out people’s thought and their opinions toward their life. On the other hand, it also helps people easily get to know each other by visiting other’s blogs where contain lots of information about their personal interests, diaries and their living pictures. Unlike in the past, people had to do it through face-to-face meet up or phone call. Meanwhile, it also creates a 24/7-communication platform, which allows communication getting more promptly without time or region difference.

  • What does it make obsolete?
    What does blogosphere obsolete?

    Taking down your life in a blog makes a traditional diary unnecessary. Most people are no longer write down their life in a personal diary. By contrast, they are more care about how to running a personal blog and make it more interesting or more popular. Although blogosphere has excites people’s interaction more frequently, it also obsolete people’s solitary time. Life becomes so busy and distracting. Third, blogosphere has gradually taken over some traditional media such as columns in newspaper and magazines. Due to some bloogers would share their knowledge or reviews toward politic, fashion and entertainment. All these tremendous archives have become a free and valuable information source.

  • What does it retrieve that had been obsolesced earlier?
    What does blogosphere bring back?

    It is no doubt that blogosphere returns with the sense of community. People are being more open up, more expressive and are much more willing to explore each other. One might consider the rise of the Facebook that accompanied the influential social network.

  • What does it flip into when pushed to extremes?
    What does the technology reverse into if it is over-extended?

    In the sense of cultural value, blogosphere is indeed a convenient and interesting database of information. However, there are nearly ninety percent of the blogs are constructed by armatures. Not to mention that most of the information among these blogs is copied from others anonymous source. The validity and reliability is a question we need to think further. Also, due to the convenience of attaining knowledge from Internet is so easy that eliminates people’s reading habit and the ability of observing and studying the truth.
