2008年11月24日 星期一
Research goal
Step 1. Why is “newness” desirable?
(What makes Consumerism so successful?)
Seeking new and unfamiliar experiences is a fundamental behavioral tendency in humans and animals. It makes sense to try new options, as they may prove advantageous in the long run. Scientists have identified a primitive area of the brain that makes us adventurous -- a finding which may help explain why people routinely fall for "new" products when shopping. It’s just like an existence of this age-old reward mechanism indicates there is an evolutionary advantage in sampling the unknown.
1. Trendy
When it comes to shopping, we always want the latest things, whether the new pattern, new function or new design. It is the nature of people to pursue for the newness.
2. Curiosity
Some things sound really good to us or really odd to us, but in a lot of cases, we don’t really know until we try. It’s a psychological trigger that will persuade people to purchase a product or service simply to feed their curiosity.
3.Society influence
Influence from mass media, which promotes people to buy and cultivates consuming culture in the society. When everyone is carrying an ipod, no one would like to be the one still using the CD walkman.
4. Ownership (uncover the new things)
It is animal instinct to experience or conquer the new and unknown things. This subconsciously behavior is even more easily to satisfy in terms of shopping. People feel pleasant feeling when they unpack or discover a brand new packaged merchant, which recall the feeling of making a conquest of the new territory.
5. Renewal
People refresh themselves via exploring new things or new environments. These external excitements would bring along the input of newness to activate a certain degree new start in their own life.
Step 2. The dilemma of used materials/products.
1. Old and shabby
2. Labor and time-consuming
1. Disownership
2. Ego- dystonic
Used things are usually associated with the sense of famine of goods and materials. It is somehow embarrassing for people to buy second hand things.
Step 3. Inbuilt “newness” into reusable design/product.
2008年11月10日 星期一
Psychological reasons of consumerism
1. Newness
When it comes to shopping, we always want the latest things, whether the new pattern, new function or new design. It is the nature of people to pursue for the newness.
2. Branded Psychology
People sometimes make purchasing decisions based on the reputation of famous brand.
People seek, trust and even are loyal to these well-known brands, and would care less about non-branded products,
3. Curiosity
Some things sound really good to us or really odd to us, but in a lot of cases, we don’t really know until we try. It’s a psychological trigger that will persuade people to purchase a product or service simply to feed their curiosity.
4. Buying nature
Buying things out of daily chores, which has become part of one’s nature.
5.Society influence
Influence from mass media, which promotes people to buy and cultivates consuming culture in the society. When everyone is carrying an ipod, no one would like to be the one still using the CD walkman.
6. Aesthetic
It is human nature to pursue aesthetic perception, which is one of the most basic factors of shopping.
Father of Motivational research
(14 August 1907 in Vienna – 21 November 1991 in Peekskill, New York) was a psychologist and marketing expert who is widely considered to be the "father of motivational research."
Dichter pioneered the application of Freudian psychoanalytic concepts and techniques to business—in particular to the study of consumer behavior in the marketplace. Ideas he established strongly influenced the practices of the advertising industry in the twentieth century. According to a 1998 New York Times article, he "was the first to coin the term focus group and to stress the importance of image and persuasion in advertising."
Dichter was the author of 17 books, including:
* The Handbook of Consumer Motivations
* Motivating Human Behavior
* The Naked Manager
* Packaging, the Sixth Sense?: a guide to identifying consumer motivation
* Total Self-Knowledge
* Getting Motivated
* The Strategy of Desire
* How Hot a Manager Are You?
* Marketing Plus: finding the hidden gold in the market place
2008年11月9日 星期日
Consumerism is the equation of personal happiness with the purchase of material possessions and consumption. The term is often associated with criticisms of consumption starting with Thorstein Veblen.
Veblen's subject of examination, the newly emergent middle class arising at the turn of the twentieth century, comes to full fruition by the end of the twentieth century through the process of globalization. In economics, consumerism refers to economic policies placing emphasis on consumption. In an abstract sense, it is the belief that the free choice of consumers should dictate the economic structure of a society.
Consumerism has strong links with the Western world, but actually it is multi-cultural and non-geographical. People purchasing goods and consuming materials in excess of their basic needs is as old as the first civilizations (see Ancient Egypt, Babylon and Ancient Rome, for example). Since consumerism began, various individuals and groups have consciously sought an alternative lifestyle through simple living.
The older term and concept of "conspicuous consumption" originated at the turn of the 20th century in the writings of sociologist and economist, Thorstein Veblen. The term describes an apparently irrational and confounding form of economic behaviour.
The term "conspicuous consumption" spread to describe consumerism in the United States in the 1960s, but was soon linked to debates about media theory, culture jamming, and its corollary productivism. In relation to producerism, it is the belief that the free choice of consumers should dictate the economic structure of a society, rather than the interests of producers. It can also refer to economic policies that place an emphasis on consumption.
Modern Consumerism in the 21st century
Beginning in the 1990’s the most frequent reason given for attending college had changed to making a lot of money, outranking reasons such as becoming an authority in a field or helping others in difficulty. This statement directly correlates with the rise of materialism, specifically the technological aspect. At this time compact disc players, digital media, personal computers, and cellular phones, all began to integrate into the affluent American’s everyday lifestyle. A large change in American culture has subsequently occurred – “a shift away from values of community, spirituality, and integrity, and toward competition, materialism and disconnection.”
Companies and corporations have realized that rich consumers are the most attractive target for marketing their products. The upper class' tastes, lifestyles, and preferences, trickle down to become the standard which all consumers seek to emulate. The not so well off consumers can “purchase something new that will speak of their place in the tradition of affluence”. A consumer can have the instant gratification of purchasing a high-ticket item that will help improve their social status.
Emulation is also a core component of 21st century consumerism. As a general trend, regular consumers seek to emulate those who are above them on the social hierarchy. The poor strive to imitate the rich and the rich imitate celebrities and other icons. One needs to look no further than the celebrity endorsement of products to dissuade the notion that the American population makes its own decisions and models itself as a group of individualists.
2008年11月8日 星期六
Rostovian take-off model
1. Traditional society
2. Preconditions for take-off
3. Take-off
4. Drive to maturity
5. Age of High mass consumption
Traditional Societies
Traditional societies are marked by their pre-Newtonian understanding and use of technology. These are societies which have pre-scientific understandings of gadgets, and believe that gods or spirits facilitate the procurement of goods, rather than man and his own ingenuity. The norms of economic growth are completely absent from these societies.
Preconditions to Take-off
The preconditions to take-off are, to Rostow, that the society begins committing itself to secular education, that it enables a degree of capital mobilization, especially through the establishment of banks and currency, that an entrepreneurial class forms, and that the secular concept of manufacturing develops, with only a few sectors developing at this point. This leads to a take-off in ten to fifty years. At this stage, there is a limited production function, and therefore a limited output. There are limited economic techniques available and these restrictions create a limit to what can be produced.
Take-off then occurs when sector led growth becomes common and society is driven more by economic processes than traditions. At this point, the norms of economic growth are well established. In discussing the take-off, Rostow's is a noted early adopter of the term “transition”, which is to describe the passage of a traditional to a modern economy. After take-off, a country will take as long as fifty to one hundred years to reach maturity.
Drive to Maturity
The drive to maturity refers to the need for the economy itself to diversify. The sectors of the economy which lead initially begin to level off, while other sectors begin to take off. This diversity leads to greatly reduced rates of poverty and rising standards of living, as the society no longer needs to sacrifice its comfort in order to strengthen certain sectors.
Age of High Mass Consumption
The age of high mass consumption refers to the period of contemporary comfort afforded many western nations, wherein consumers concentrate on durable goods, and hardly remember the subsistence concerns of previous stages. Rostow uses the Buddenbrooks dynamics metaphor to describe this change in attitude. In Thomas Mann’s novel, Buddenbrooks, a family is chronicled for three generations. The first generation is interested in economic development, the second in its position in society. The third, already having money and prestige, concerns itself with the arts and music, worrying little about those previous, earthly concerns. So too, in the age of high mass consumption, a society is able to choose between concentrating on military and security issues, on equality and welfare issues, or on developing great luxuries for its upper class. Each country in this position chooses its own balance between these three goals.
From Wiki, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rostovian_take-off_model
2008年11月3日 星期一
Creepy cute?

Meanwhile, this upcoming trend of "creepy cute" is no doubt seems more appealing to today's audience. Belows are some influential artists who making waves of new era of a mysterous world such as Tim Burton, Ray Caser and Gary Baseman.
2008年11月2日 星期日
Warning: Habits May Be Good for You
After went through some Green and Sustainablity sites, I found that even though being green is our social responsibity as a civilized citizen, but frankly to say, it indeed relatively comes along all the conveniences that we will have to give up in order to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle.
This article is forwarded from NYT, it talks about psychology of daily habits; how certain companies have tapped into this research in order to invent completely new habits into our daily routines, and some new products that "we don't really need" to support these carefully invented habits.
When it comes to sustainable design, the product should meet the same quality and ease of use expectations, and the ecological benefits should be also an essential factor of the design criteia. By studying People's habits and further more educate or create new habits which are more carring and more green is big nowadays.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Warning: Habits May Be Good for You
By CHARLES DUHIGG, Published: July 13, 2008
A FEW years ago, a self-described “militant liberal” named Val Curtis decided that it was time to save millions of children from death and disease. So Dr. Curtis, an anthropologist then living in the African nation of Burkina Faso, contacted some of the largest multinational corporations and asked them, in effect, to teach her how to manipulate consumer habits worldwide.
Dr. Curtis, now the director of the Hygiene Center at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, had spent years trying to persuade people in the developing world to wash their hands habitually with soap. Diseases and disorders caused by dirty hands — like diarrhea — kill a child somewhere in the world about every 15 seconds, and about half those deaths could be prevented with the regular use of soap, studies indicate.
But getting people into a soap habit, it turns out, is surprisingly hard.
To overcome this hurdle, Dr. Curtis called on three top consumer goods companies to find out how to sell hand-washing the same way they sell Speed Stick deodorant and Pringles potato chips.
She knew that over the past decade, many companies had perfected the art of creating automatic behaviors — habits — among consumers. These habits have helped companies earn billions of dollars when customers eat snacks, apply lotions and wipe counters almost without thinking, often in response to a carefully designed set of daily cues.
“There are fundamental public health problems, like hand washing with soap, that remain killers only because we can’t figure out how to change people’s habits,” Dr. Curtis said. “We wanted to learn from private industry how to create new behaviors that happen automatically.”
The companies that Dr. Curtis turned to — Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever — had invested hundreds of millions of dollars finding the subtle cues in consumers’ lives that corporations could use to introduce new routines.
If you look hard enough, you’ll find that many of the products we use every day — chewing gums, skin moisturizers, disinfecting wipes, air fresheners, water purifiers, health snacks, antiperspirants, colognes, teeth whiteners, fabric softeners, vitamins — are results of manufactured habits. A century ago, few people regularly brushed their teeth multiple times a day. Today, because of canny advertising and public health campaigns, many Americans habitually give their pearly whites a cavity-preventing scrub twice a day, often with Colgate, Crest or one of the other brands advertising that no morning is complete without a minty-fresh mouth.
A few decades ago, many people didn’t drink water outside of a meal. Then beverage companies started bottling the production of far-off springs, and now office workers unthinkingly sip bottled water all day long. Chewing gum, once bought primarily by adolescent boys, is now featured in commercials as a breath freshener and teeth cleanser for use after a meal. Skin moisturizers — which are effective even if applied at high noon — are advertised as part of morning beauty rituals, slipped in between hair brushing and putting on makeup.
“OUR products succeed when they become part of daily or weekly patterns,” said Carol Berning, a consumer psychologist who recently retired from Procter & Gamble, the company that sold $76 billion of Tide, Crest and other products last year. “Creating positive habits is a huge part of improving our consumers’ lives, and it’s essential to making new products commercially viable.”
Through experiments and observation, social scientists like Dr. Berning have learned that there is power in tying certain behaviors to habitual cues through relentless advertising.
As this new science of habit has emerged, controversies have erupted when the tactics have been used to sell questionable beauty creams or unhealthy foods. But for activists like Dr. Curtis, this emerging research offers a type of salvation.
For years, many public health campaigns that aimed at changing habits have been failures. Earlier this decade, two researchers affiliated with Vanderbilt University examined more than 100 studies on the effectiveness of antidrug campaigns and found that, in some cases, viewers’ levels of drug abuse actually increased when commercials were shown, perhaps in part because the ads reminded them about that bag of weed in the sock drawer.
A few years later, another group examined the effectiveness of advertising condom use to prevent AIDS. In some cases, rates of unprotected sex actually went up — which some researchers suspected was because the commercials made people more frisky than cautious.
To teach hand washing, about seven years ago Dr. Curtis persuaded Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever to join an initiative called the Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing With Soap. The group’s goal was to double the hand-washing rate in Ghana, a West African nation where almost every home contains a soap bar but only 4 percent of adults regularly lather up after using the toilet.
Over the last several years, such partnerships between corporations and those trying to save the world have become commonplace. Companies like Microsoft, Pfizer and General Electric have worked with nonprofit groups on health, technology and energy programs.
Not everyone is comfortable with the arrangements. Some critics complain that public health professionals are becoming too cozy with companies ultimately focused on their bottom lines. Others worry that these advertising techniques may be manipulative.
But what Dr. Curtis learned in Ghana suggests that saving the world may be as easy as hawking chewing gum, or, to use a more contemporary example, as simple as training Americans to spray perfumed water on couches that are already clean.
FEBREZE — the perfumed water used on couches — is one of the most successful examples of a habit-creation campaign, and, in a sense, the playbook for how Ghana learned to wash its hands.
Procter & Gamble introduced Febreze in 1996 as a way to remove odors from smelly clothes. Consumer surveys had shown that people were leaving their jackets and blouses outside after an evening in a smoke-filled bar. P.& G., which at the time already sold products that cleaned one out of every two laundry loads washed in American homes, decided to spend millions to create a spray to remove offensive smells.
The company ran advertisements of a woman complaining about a blazer that smelled like cigarette smoke. Other ads focused on smelly pets, sweaty teenagers and stinky minivan interiors.
But Febreze flopped. In fact, early sales were so disappointing that the company considered canceling the entire project.
One of the biggest problems, P.& G.’s researchers discovered, was that bad smells simply didn’t happen often enough in consumers’ lives. Interviews showed that consumers liked Febreze when they used it, but that many customers simply forgot that it was in the house.
At about the same time, the company’s staff psychologists were beginning to extend their understanding of how habits are formed.
“For most of our history, we’ve sold newer and better products for habits that already existed,” said Dr. Berning, the P.& G. psychologist. “But about a decade ago, we realized we needed to create new products. So we began thinking about how to create habits for products that had never existed before.”
Academics were also beginning to focus on habit formation. Researchers like Wendy Wood at Duke University and Brian Wansink at Cornell were examining how often smokers quit while vacationing and how much people eat when their plates are deceptively large or small.
Those and other studies revealed that as much as 45 percent of what we do every day is habitual — that is, performed almost without thinking in the same location or at the same time each day, usually because of subtle cues.
For example, the urge to check e-mail or to grab a cookie is likely a habit with a specific prompt. Researchers found that most cues fall into four broad categories: a specific location or time of day, a certain series of actions, particular moods, or the company of specific people. The e-mail urge, for instance, probably occurs after you’ve finished reading a document or completed a certain kind of task. The cookie grab probably occurs when you’re walking out of the cafeteria, or feeling sluggish or blue.
Our capacity to develop such habits is an invaluable evolutionary advantage. But when they run amok, things can become tricky.
Consider a series of experiments Dr. Wansink performed with a bowl of tomato soup that was secretly connected to a tube that pumped more and more liquid into the bowl. Diners ended up eating almost twice as much soup as usual, though they didn’t report feeling any fuller after the meal.Dr. Wood studied exercise habits among students who transferred from one college to another. When locations remained stable — the new school had an outdoor track just like the old school, for example — students continued running regularly. But if the tracks were too different, the exercise tapered off, on average. In another experiment, conducted by researchers studying smokers, those wanting to quit were more than twice as successful if they started kicking the habit while on vacation, when surrounded by unfamiliar people and places.
“Habits are formed when the memory associates specific actions with specific places or moods,” said Dr. Wood, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke. “If you regularly eat chips while sitting on the couch, after a while, seeing the couch will automatically prompt you to reach for the Doritos. These associations are sometimes so strong that you have to replace the couch with a wooden chair for a diet to succeed.”
The researchers at P.& G. realized that these types of findings had enormous implications for selling Febreze. Because bad smells occurred too infrequently for a Febreze habit to form, marketers started looking for more regular cues on which they could capitalize.
The perfect cue, they eventually realized, was the act of cleaning a room, something studies showed their target audience did almost daily. P.& G. produced commercials showing women spraying Febreze on a perfectly made bed and spritzing freshly laundered clothing. The product’s imagery was revamped to incorporate open windows and gusts of fresh wind — an airing that is part of the physical and emotional cleaning ritual.
“We learned from consumer interviews that there was an opportunity to cue the clean smell of Febreze to a clean room,” Dr. Berning said. “We positioned it as the finishing touch to a mundane chore. It’s the icing that shows you did a good job.”
In a sense, a product originally intended for use on piles of smelly, dirty clothes was eclipsed by its exact opposite — a product used when women confronted a clean and tidy living room. And the more women sprayed, the more automatic the behavior became.
Today, Febreze is one of P.& G.’s greatest successes. Customers habitually spray tidied living rooms, clean kitchens, loads of fresh laundry and, according to one of the most recent commercials, spotless minivans. In the most recent fiscal year, consumers in North America alone spent $650 million buying Febreze, according to the company.
Dozens of other companies have also redesigned advertising campaigns around habitual cues. Beer commercials, once filled with busty women in ill-fitting tops, are now more likely to feature groups of buddies, because research shows that groups of friends are one of the strongest habit cues. Candy bar companies, through commercials, have tied their products to low-energy cues, transforming what was once a dessert into a pick-me-up for cubicle dwellers.
FOR Dr. Curtis and the Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing With Soap, such tactics offered enormous promise in a country like Ghana.
That nation offered a conundrum: Almost half of its people were accustomed to washing their hands with water after using the restroom or before eating. And local markets were filled with cheap, colorful soap bars. But only about 4 percent of Ghanaians used soap as part of their post-restroom hand-washing regime, studies showed.
“We could talk about germs until we were blue in the face, and it didn’t change behaviors,” Dr. Curtis said. So she and her colleagues asked Unilever for advice in designing survey techniques that ultimately studied hundreds of mothers and their children.
They discovered that previous health campaigns had failed because mothers often didn’t see symptoms like diarrhea as abnormal, but instead viewed them as a normal aspect of childhood.
However, the studies also revealed an interesting paradox: Ghanaians used soap when they felt that their hands were dirty — after cooking with grease, for example, or after traveling into the city. This hand-washing habit, studies showed, was prompted by feelings of disgust. And surveys also showed that parents felt deep concerns about exposing their children to anything disgusting.
SO the trick, Dr. Curtis and her colleagues realized, was to create a habit wherein people felt a sense of disgust that was cued by the toilet. That queasiness, in turn, could become a cue for soap.A sense of bathroom disgust may seem natural, but in many places toilets are a symbol of cleanliness because they replaced pit latrines. So Dr. Curtis’s group had to create commercials that taught viewers to feel a habitual sense of unseemliness surrounding toilet use.
Their solution was ads showing mothers and children walking out of bathrooms with a glowing purple pigment on their hands that contaminated everything they touched.
The commercials, which began running in 2003, didn’t really sell soap use. Rather, they sold disgust. Soap was almost an afterthought — in one 55-second television commercial, actual soapy hand washing was shown only for 4 seconds. But the message was clear: The toilet cues worries of contamination, and that disgust, in turn, cues soap.
“This was radically different from most public health campaigns,” said Beth Scott, an infectious-disease specialist who worked with Dr. Curtis on the Ghana campaign. “There was no mention of sickness. It just mentions the yuck factor. We learned how to do that from the marketing companies.”
The ads had their intended effect. By last year, Ghanaians surveyed by members of Dr. Curtis’s team reported a 13 percent increase in the use of soap after the toilet. Another measure showed even greater impact: reported soap use before eating went up 41 percent.
And while those statistics haven’t silenced critics who say habit-forming advertisements are worrisome, they have convinced people who run other public health initiatives that the Ghana experiment is on the right track.
Today, public health campaigns elsewhere for condom use and to fight drug abuse and obesity are being revamped to employ habit-formation characteristics, according to people involved in those efforts. One of the largest American antismoking campaigns, in fact, is explicitly focused on habits, with commercials and Web sites intended to teach smokers how to identify what cues them to reach for a cigarette.
“For a long time, the public health community was distrustful of industry, because many felt these companies were trying to sell products that made people’s lives less healthy, by encouraging them to smoke, or to eat unhealthy foods, or by selling expensive products people didn’t really need,” Dr. Curtis said. “But those tactics also allow us to save lives. If we want to really help the world, we need every tool we can get.”2008年10月18日 星期六
Brain scientists discover why adventure feels good
Using brain scans to measure blood flow, British researchers discovered that a brain region known as the ventral striatum was more active when subjects chose unusual objects in controlled tests.
The ventral striatum is involved in processing rewards in the brain through the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine.
Scientists believe the existence of this age-old reward mechanism indicates there is an evolutionary advantage in sampling the unknown.
"Seeking new and unfamiliar experiences is a fundamental behavioral tendency in humans and animals. It makes sense to try new options as they may prove advantageous in the long run," said Bianca Wittmann of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at University College London.
Being daring, however, also carries risks. Some choices could be dangerous and, in the modern world, selecting the new may, for instance, make consumers susceptible to marketing hype.
The positive feedback system in the brain could also contribute to some common vices.
"In humans, increased novelty-seeking may play a role in gambling and drug addiction, both of which are mediated by malfunctions in dopamine release," said Nathaniel Daw, now at New York University, who also worked on the study.
The findings were published online in the journal Neuron.
Why do people always buy flashy things?
consumerist mythology
They believe that "things" denote your quality as a person. And they believe that the more possessions you have, the happier you will be. It's all about superficiality over substance. Since we are bombarded with these myths on a regular basis, it's hard not to buy into it.
According to Daryl Cowie, we can break the reasons why people buy things down into 6 categories: basic needs, convenience (saves time or effort), peace of mind, image or ego, fun, and increasing personal wealth. Understanding which category (or categories) a problem falls into is critical to providing an appropriate solution.
Why people buy things:
1. basic needs
3. peace of mind
4. image or ego
5. entertainment
6.increase wealth
Understanding the reasons people buy, is just as important as understanding what they buy.
The better we understand people’s reasons for wanting something, the better equipped we are to help them with a great solution.
2008年10月13日 星期一
How Do Japanese Dump Trash?
YOKOHAMA, Japan - When this city recently doubled the number of garbage categories to 10, it handed residents a 27-page booklet on how to sort their trash. Highlights included detailed instructions on 518 items.
Lipstick goes into burnables; lipstick tubes, "after the contents have been used up," into "small metals" or plastics. Take out your tape measure before tossing a kettle: under 12 inches, it goes into small metals, but over that it goes into bulky refuse.
Socks? If only one, it is burnable; a pair goes into used cloth, though only if the socks "are not torn, and the left and right sock match." Throw neckties into used cloth, but only after they have been "washed and dried."
"It was so hard at first," said Sumie Uchiki, 65, whose ward began wrestling with the 10 categories last October as part of an early trial. "We were just not used to it. I even needed to wear my reading glasses to sort out things correctly."
To Americans struggling with sorting trash into a few categories, Japan may provide a foretaste of daily life to come. In a national drive to reduce waste and increase recycling, neighborhoods, office buildings, towns and megalopolises are raising the number of trash categories - sometimes to dizzying heights.
Indeed, Yokohama, with 3.5 million people, appears slack compared with Kamikatsu, a town of 2,200 in the mountains of Shikoku, the smallest of Japan's four main islands. Not content with the 34 trash categories it defined four years ago as part of a major push to reduce waste, Kamikatsu has gradually raised the number to 44.
In Japan, the long-term push to sort and recycle aims to reduce the amount of garbage that ends up in incinerators. In land-scarce Japan, up to 80 percent of garbage is incinerated, while a similar percentage ends up in landfills in the United States.
The environmentally friendlier process of sorting and recycling may be more expensive than dumping, experts say, but it is comparable in cost to incineration.
"Sorting trash is not necessarily more expensive than incineration," said Hideki Kidohshi, a garbage researcher at the Center for the Strategy of Emergence at the Japan Research Institute. "In Japan, sorting and recycling will make further progress."
2008年10月12日 星期日
Reuse x Design
Re Glow
The ReGlow lamp from Shelley Spicuzza likes to recycle, but skips a lot of steps in between. By screwing in empty, unlabeled plastic drink bottles into the center sphere’s threaded holes, the lamp creates a burst of light and refraction. The fixture also lets you affect the color of light through the type of bottle used, so click through if you want to see the Coca Cola version. Designer: Shelley Spicuzza
The German artist works with recycled bits like twist ties, birdfood bags, dishcloths and, as pictured here, old shirts. Be sure to click every ring; behind each is a mini slide show of more whimsical pieces.Designer: Dunja Karabaic

The very first step of Reuse design : Recycle!!!
How do we acquire usable materials? visit a Recycling tour.
Check it out how did Japaness doing recycle.
2008年10月6日 星期一
Top 10 blogs

1. Boing Boing
A herald from the expanding fringe of Net culture: nerdy and fun.

2. Engadget
The Net’s premier tech blog and the flagship of the Weblogs, Inc., blog network. Pete Rojas, the brains behind the blog, specializes in product reviews and breaking news in gadget-land.

3. PostSecret
An online “art project” that allows people to read your deepest secrets on scanned anonymous postcards.

4. DesignBoom
A primer on modern design, interviews with masters like Vladimir Kagan, plus snapshots from industry events.

5. Michelle Malkin
Dubbed the Filipino Ann Coulter, Malkin writes about America-haters, illegal immigrants, and Democratic windbags.

6. Dooce
The public suffering of a postpartum depressive. Mommies everywhere seem to relate.

7. Etsey
A place to buy and sell stuffs all by handmade.

8. The Sartorialist
A man who took photos of people that he saw on the streets of New York that he thought looked great.

9. JustJared
The trend-spotting source for pop culture gossip, celeb photo galleries and breaking entertainment news.

10. Jezebel
Celebrity, sex, fashion without airbrushing.
A blog is a Web site, usually maintained by individuals, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.
The ability for readers to leave comments as an interactive format is an important part of many blogs.
As of April 2008, blog search engine Technorati was tracking more than 112 million blogs and given rankings based on the number of incoming links. It rated Boing Boing to be the most-read group-written blog, which incorporated kinds of opinions toward daily issue.
During the last week I’ve surfed all kinds of most-linked blogs and websites. Some are revealing gossip of celebrities, some are introducing the latest technology, and some are just sharing their thoughts about politics and news. To visit the top-linked blogs is not only allows you to receive interesting information, but also displays what people concerned most today.
I figured there are numerous valuable sources of knowledge and inspiration. Especially the Etsey.com and the DesignBoom. Etsey is basically a site where you can buy or sell handmade stuffs. It’s kinda reminds me a topic I’d always bear in mind. The responsibly of being a designer. Most of the time, we create things people don’t really need or pack things in a sumptuous way in order to make money. Etsey is a network of people who love green and handmade things. However the production of each product is quiet a few. If we can develop a process or standard for designers. To suggest designers think about the recycle and the reusability of each project, either in prints or industrial design. And execute this project in mass production instead of customized way i.e. Etsey.
2008年9月29日 星期一
Examine Blogosphere with tetrad
- What does it enhance?
What does blogosphere extend?
In the case of bloggers, it has spread out people’s thought and their opinions toward their life. On the other hand, it also helps people easily get to know each other by visiting other’s blogs where contain lots of information about their personal interests, diaries and their living pictures. Unlike in the past, people had to do it through face-to-face meet up or phone call. Meanwhile, it also creates a 24/7-communication platform, which allows communication getting more promptly without time or region difference.
- What does it make obsolete?
What does blogosphere obsolete?
Taking down your life in a blog makes a traditional diary unnecessary. Most people are no longer write down their life in a personal diary. By contrast, they are more care about how to running a personal blog and make it more interesting or more popular. Although blogosphere has excites people’s interaction more frequently, it also obsolete people’s solitary time. Life becomes so busy and distracting. Third, blogosphere has gradually taken over some traditional media such as columns in newspaper and magazines. Due to some bloogers would share their knowledge or reviews toward politic, fashion and entertainment. All these tremendous archives have become a free and valuable information source.
- What does it retrieve that had been obsolesced earlier?
What does blogosphere bring back?
It is no doubt that blogosphere returns with the sense of community. People are being more open up, more expressive and are much more willing to explore each other. One might consider the rise of the Facebook that accompanied the influential social network.
- What does it flip into when pushed to extremes?
What does the technology reverse into if it is over-extended?
In the sense of cultural value, blogosphere is indeed a convenient and interesting database of information. However, there are nearly ninety percent of the blogs are constructed by armatures. Not to mention that most of the information among these blogs is copied from others anonymous source. The validity and reliability is a question we need to think further. Also, due to the convenience of attaining knowledge from Internet is so easy that eliminates people’s reading habit and the ability of observing and studying the truth.
2008年9月14日 星期日
How does media change people's expectation in their life.

Marshall McLuhan 1911~1980
McLuhan's work is viewed as one of the cornerstones of the study of media theory. McLuhan is known for coining the expressions "the medium is the message" and the "global village."
The medium is the message by Marshall McLuhan
The main concept of McLuhan's argument (later elaborated upon in The Medium is the Massage) is that new technologies (like alphabets, printing presses, and even speech itself) exert a gravitational effect on cognition, which in turn affects social organization: print technology changes our perceptual habits ("visual homogenizing of experience"), which in turn affects social interactions ("fosters a mentality that gradually resists all but a... specialist outlook"). According to McLuhan, the advent of print technology contributed to and made possible most of the salient trends in the Modern period in the Western world: individualism, democracy, Protestantism, capitalism and nationalism. For McLuhan, these trends all reverberate with print technology's principle of "segmentation of actions and functions and principle of visual quantification.
The global village by Marshall McLuhan
In the early 1960s, McLuhan wrote that the visual, individualistic print culture would soon be brought to an end by what he called "electronic interdependence": when electronic media replace visual culture with aural/oral culture. In this new age, humankind will move from individualism and fragmentation to a collective identity, with a "tribal base." McLuhan's coinage for this new social organization is the global village, a term which has predominantly negative connotations in The Gutenberg Galaxy.
Tetrad of media effects by Marshall McLuhan
The tetrad is a means of examining the effects on society of any technology (i.e., any medium) by dividing its effects into four categories and displaying them simultaneously. McLuhan designed the tetrad as a pedagogical tool, phrasing his laws as questions with which to consider any medium:
* What does the medium enhance?
* What does the medium make obsolete?
* What does the medium retrieve that had been obsolesced earlier?
* What does the medium flip into when pushed to extremes?
All the text info are copied from Wikipedia. See Wiki for further information.
more about McLuhan:
Marshall McLuhan's official website
Marshall McLuhan on YouTube
McLuhan - The Media is the Message
Marshall McLuhan on the TODAY Show
2008年9月11日 星期四
outline draft of Thesis topics (1)
to praise the revolution of Internet
The Core Problem
Since the invention of Internet has developed, human culture has shifted to a new epoch.
Thanks to technique, to communicate information and knowledge is as easy as snapping a finger. Myriads of various information is handing around our everyday life, from actively log into Utube looking for fun to passively receiving forward emails. It is no doubt that it only take a decade and insensibly Internet has already overturn the pattern of human being. But I just can’t help but wonder, is digital revolution like this indeed brought us multitudinous benefits or it carries not only advantages but also some inevitable impacts to our economic and culture?
While I recall the condition of Internet ten years ago, “netscape” stands for the spirit of that period. We downloaded and shared sources, which were provided by mainstream medias. Now a day we have upgraded to the period of “web2.0”, which is the era of google. The idea of web2.0 is upload and share. It is a completely free platform where every user on the Internet can share and feed their owns opinions. Due to the convenience of “cut n paste information” is so easy for web users; people are no longer willing to study and think further. There are tons of blogs out there, and most of them are uncultivated crudities. The idea of sharing supposed to be based on the basis of moral standard. My only question is: are we mature enough to deserve the freedom of Internet?
If you would stop your pace and spend some time thinking, it is no doubt that the progress of Internet has indeed brings us lots of “benefits”; the increase of bandwidth allows us freely download unauthorized sources even more easily; the quality of digital camera has achieved professional resolution but most of the time we only use it for taking pictures which we’ll never review again; Tons of hippest music in our hard disk but we can’t hardly remember our favorite song’s lyrics. These “benefits” are just some trivia facts in our life. But on the other side, the change from Internet has already brings unavoidable impacts toward our politics, business, art and culture.
It is undeniable that Google turns the authority back to people that we can choose and screen whatever we need through the search of specific keyword. These clicks of Adwords and Adsense has contribute Google became the almighty king of Internet. And most of these advertisement profits are from the small and medium-sized enterprises. It seems like a perfect win-win situation that not only satisfies web user’s needs but also brings the most accurate clients to proprietors. But due to the budge issue, if we arrange 20% budget to the Internet companies, it means 20% budget of print and TV media would be cut off. Then the mainstream media would be forced to lay off employees and debase quality, which will ultimately become a vicious circle. Meanwhile, many Internet companies such as Google; they never produce but guiding people to some other sources. If one day that all the mainstream media are no longer exists, no one would be responsible for producing fine and reliable informations, what else can you google?
Same theory could also apply to entertainment business, due to the technology of uploading and sharing files cause the rampancy of pirate copy. From 2000 to 2006, the sales volume of records had reduce 20% off. Illegal music and movies has persecuted traditional media to large-scale reducing the staff and decrease productions. Take Disney as an instance, it declared that they dismissed 650 people during 2006 in order to cut down expenses, meanwhile the animations and movies of each year would subtract almost a half. Traditional media has facing a serious crisis that could cause extinction.
I have to clarify myself that I’m not against the technology of Internet. I’m just point out that people abuse technology could be harmful to our economic, values and creativity. The invention of Internet is unquestionably a great revolution. It is an inevitable and irreversible direction.
Take the industrial revolution of the 19th century for an example, the change from “handcraft to machinery is the milestone of the world culture evolution. When it’s time to face the inevitable change, we all have to face it with courage, and move forward with our wisdom. Right now, we are facing another change, accompanying uncertainty of how the world would become, I feel that we all need a clear standard to follow, an “internet morality”, and by following it, we’ll all adapt to the change, and by doing so, we’ll all become better as a whole.
I’m going to use research documents and survey to understand people’s habits when it comes to internet, and get an in-depth understanding of how each social class uses internet, and further develop a “internet ten commitments”, and use it as a parameter for morality, and value of the virtual world. On the technical level, I’ll use my specialty in webpage development, and develop an interactive-multimedia, one combining the style of monopoly and personality test, and further let people understand the “internet morality”, and supply with solutions. Although this may not change the whole environment, but I believe through games, it can help the society further understand this upcoming change.