A great new age -
to praise the revolution of Internet
The Core Problem
Since the invention of Internet has developed, human culture has shifted to a new epoch.
Thanks to technique, to communicate information and knowledge is as easy as snapping a finger. Myriads of various information is handing around our everyday life, from actively log into Utube looking for fun to passively receiving forward emails. It is no doubt that it only take a decade and insensibly Internet has already overturn the pattern of human being. But I just can’t help but wonder, is digital revolution like this indeed brought us multitudinous benefits or it carries not only advantages but also some inevitable impacts to our economic and culture?
While I recall the condition of Internet ten years ago, “netscape” stands for the spirit of that period. We downloaded and shared sources, which were provided by mainstream medias. Now a day we have upgraded to the period of “web2.0”, which is the era of google. The idea of web2.0 is upload and share. It is a completely free platform where every user on the Internet can share and feed their owns opinions. Due to the convenience of “cut n paste information” is so easy for web users; people are no longer willing to study and think further. There are tons of blogs out there, and most of them are uncultivated crudities. The idea of sharing supposed to be based on the basis of moral standard. My only question is: are we mature enough to deserve the freedom of Internet?
If you would stop your pace and spend some time thinking, it is no doubt that the progress of Internet has indeed brings us lots of “benefits”; the increase of bandwidth allows us freely download unauthorized sources even more easily; the quality of digital camera has achieved professional resolution but most of the time we only use it for taking pictures which we’ll never review again; Tons of hippest music in our hard disk but we can’t hardly remember our favorite song’s lyrics. These “benefits” are just some trivia facts in our life. But on the other side, the change from Internet has already brings unavoidable impacts toward our politics, business, art and culture.
It is undeniable that Google turns the authority back to people that we can choose and screen whatever we need through the search of specific keyword. These clicks of Adwords and Adsense has contribute Google became the almighty king of Internet. And most of these advertisement profits are from the small and medium-sized enterprises. It seems like a perfect win-win situation that not only satisfies web user’s needs but also brings the most accurate clients to proprietors. But due to the budge issue, if we arrange 20% budget to the Internet companies, it means 20% budget of print and TV media would be cut off. Then the mainstream media would be forced to lay off employees and debase quality, which will ultimately become a vicious circle. Meanwhile, many Internet companies such as Google; they never produce but guiding people to some other sources. If one day that all the mainstream media are no longer exists, no one would be responsible for producing fine and reliable informations, what else can you google?
Same theory could also apply to entertainment business, due to the technology of uploading and sharing files cause the rampancy of pirate copy. From 2000 to 2006, the sales volume of records had reduce 20% off. Illegal music and movies has persecuted traditional media to large-scale reducing the staff and decrease productions. Take Disney as an instance, it declared that they dismissed 650 people during 2006 in order to cut down expenses, meanwhile the animations and movies of each year would subtract almost a half. Traditional media has facing a serious crisis that could cause extinction.
I have to clarify myself that I’m not against the technology of Internet. I’m just point out that people abuse technology could be harmful to our economic, values and creativity. The invention of Internet is unquestionably a great revolution. It is an inevitable and irreversible direction.
Take the industrial revolution of the 19th century for an example, the change from “handcraft to machinery is the milestone of the world culture evolution. When it’s time to face the inevitable change, we all have to face it with courage, and move forward with our wisdom. Right now, we are facing another change, accompanying uncertainty of how the world would become, I feel that we all need a clear standard to follow, an “internet morality”, and by following it, we’ll all adapt to the change, and by doing so, we’ll all become better as a whole.
I’m going to use research documents and survey to understand people’s habits when it comes to internet, and get an in-depth understanding of how each social class uses internet, and further develop a “internet ten commitments”, and use it as a parameter for morality, and value of the virtual world. On the technical level, I’ll use my specialty in webpage development, and develop an interactive-multimedia, one combining the style of monopoly and personality test, and further let people understand the “internet morality”, and supply with solutions. Although this may not change the whole environment, but I believe through games, it can help the society further understand this upcoming change.